Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Machinima in TV, LMPC + Q3A

Yesterday a camera team from Lizard Medienproduktion came to my place and made a short interview about machinima and my involvement. At the end they even filmed me during a Taekwon-Do class in Garching. My master used the opportunity and let me do two break tests (leg and hand).
Part of this will be sended in the so called computainment show "neues" (news) at the channel 3sat. The sending date is Saturday, february 11, 2006, 5.00-5.30 pm GMT+1. I'll record a MPEG2 file (via DVB-t) of this show. Maybe can distribute the 4 minutes about machinima.
This installment of "neues" is fully dedicated to the Berlinale film festival, which starts tomorrow. And where else should machinima be mentioned, if not in a computer show, which reports from a film festival?

A much more down-to-earth thing is, that I just checked into the LMPC source a basic binary to text translator for Q3A, which understands currently only the top-layer block structure (no internal game data) but it is a start and now I know again my old program and can remember how to create the internal node tree.


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